FNB Study Loan

FNB Study Loan

The FNB Study Loan 2025 from FNB Bank is a student loan ranging from R4,000 to R80,000, tailored to your needs and affordability. The loan covers tuition, accommodation, textbooks, and other study expenses. In this article, apply for a loan online, learn about flexible payment options that allow you to make interest-only payments for the first 12 months, and apply for additional funds annually or apply for Capitec Student Loans Online 2025.

How to Access Your FNB Study Loan 2025

To access your loan portal online, please follow the steps below

  1. Visit the Portal via fnb.co.za.loans
  2. Click on Apply Now
  3. Enter your RSA ID number and your cellphone number will be linked to your account
  4. Click the Continue button
  5. Your OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to the cellphone number
  6. Enter your OTP, then continue to apply online

Related Link: How to Apply For NSFAS Funding

FNB Study Loan Requirements 2025/2026

To be eligible for the Loan, you need to meet the following criteria

  1. Have a minimum monthly income of R3000 deposited into your account
  2. Permanently employed or self-employed
  3. Both the applicant and student must have a South African ID
  4. The student must be registered with a recognized tertiary institution

Related Link: Ruta Sechaba Foundation Scholarship

FNB Study Loan Documents Requirements

The required documents for the FNB Student Loan differ for FNB customers and non-FNB customers

For FNB Customers

  1. Proof of enrollment from the educational institution or proof of registration
  2. Student ID

For Non-FNB Customers

  1. South African green bar-coded ID or smart ID card
  2. Latest 3 months’ payslip or 3 months’ bank statement (latest 6 months’ bank statements and ITA34 for self-employed customers)
  3. Proof of residence not older than 3 months
  4. Proof of enrollment from the educational institution or proof of registration
  5. Student ID

Read Also: Sanral Scholarship

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