The GNAT Mutual Funds was established by the Ghana National Teachers Association (GNAT) with the objective to provide loan support and retirement benefits to teachers. A teacher who intends to benefit from the GNAT Mutual funds must be a fully registered member of GNAT with a good score of monthly contributions. In this post, we will explore the available GNAT Loan Packages, the application requirements for a GNAT Loan, and how to check your GNAT Mutual Fund statement on the phone.
Objectives of GNAT Mutual Funds
- Provide retirement supplements to members
- Provide lifestyle enhancing facilities to members in the form of loans
- Facilitate access to credit purchases
- Engage in property development and real estate activities by way of investment
Read Also: GNAT Loan Chart 2025
Available GNAT Loan Packages
GNAT Mutual Funds has made the following loan packages available to teachers;
- GNAT Personal Loan Package: The Personal Loan is a facility available to registered members to enable them to resolve their short-term financial obligations. The facility currently has a ceiling of GHS 35,000, payable over forty-eight months (48 months) or four years (4 years)
GNAT Habitat Loan Package: The Habitat Loan is designed to support members to undertake housing projects. The Habitat loan has a current ceiling of GHS 60,000 and has to be repaid over (60months) or five years (5 years)
- GNAT Investment Loan Package: The Investment Capital Loan is a facility intended to support members to purposely undertake income generating or investment activities. The facility currently has a ceiling of GHS 50,000 to be repaid over sixty months (60 months) or five years (5 years). To qualify to access this loan facility one must be an optional contributor with a monthly contribution of at least One Hundred and fifty Ghana Cedis (GH¢150).
- GNAT Vehicle Loan Package: The Vehicle Loan is a lifeline to members for the acquisition of non-commercial vehicles. As part of the application process, a loan applicant is expected to submit an invoice from a vehicle vendor to whom the approved loan amount is disbursed. The facility currently has a ceiling of GHS 70,000
GNAT Loan Application Requirements
There are variations in the application requirements for the four (4) loan facilities the Teachers Fund gives to its members.
Requirements for GNAT Personal Loan
- A completed Personal Loan application form from the GNAT District Secretariat
- Two (2) passport sized photographs
- Two (2) signed Mandate Forms with different serial numbers
- A Mandate Request Form (provided by GNAT District Secretariat)
- A copy of a Valid ID
- A copy of your recent payslip
Requirements for GNAT Habitat Loan
- Complete a Habitat Loan Application Form provided by the GNAT District Secretariat
- Two (2) passport sized photographs
- Two (2) signed Mandate Forms with different serial numbers
- A Mandate Request Form (provided by GNAT District Secretariat)
- A copy of a Valid ID
- A copy of your recent payslip
- Evidence of land ownership in the form of Indenture, Site Plan, Yellow Card, Building permit, etc.
Requirements for GNAT Investment Capital Loan
- A completed Personal Loan application form from the GNAT District Secretariat.
- Two (2) passport sized photographs
- Two (2) signed Mandate Forms with different serial numbers
- A Mandate Request Form (provided by GNAT District Secretariat)
- A copy of a Valid ID
- A copy of your recent payslip
- Evidence of Business Ownership (Business Registration, Invoice etc.)
Requirements for GNAT Vehicle Loan
- A completed Vehicle Loan application form from the GNAT District Secretariat.
- Two (2) passport sized photographs
- Two (2) signed Mandate Forms with different serial numbers
- A Mandate Request Form (provided by GNAT District Secretariat)
- A copy of a Valid ID
- A copy of your recent payslip
- Must provide Valuation Certificate of Vehicle preferably from STC
Ways to Register for GNAT Mutual Funds
The Ghana National Association (GNAT) has employed two (2) main ways teachers can register to become a member. A teacher who wishes to join GNAT may obtain a membership form from the nearest GNAT secretariat office in their district. Alternatively, teachers may use the GNAT CRM Portal to signup and create a GNAT membership account online.
Mutual Fund CRM Portal Registration
These guidelines will assist you as a new teacher to register for your GNAT membership online using the GNAT CRM Portal;
- Visit the GNAT CRM Portal
- Fill out the registration form with the required details (Staff ID, Authentication Code, Email, and Phone number)
- Click on the validate button for the system to validate your details
- An SMS will be sent to your phone with a default password to be used to log into your GNAT CRM Portal account
- Log into your CRM portal with your Staff ID and the default password sent to your phone
How to Get GNAT Authentication Code
- Dial the Shortcode *800# on all networks
- Enter option 1 to register for the service
- Enter your Staff ID and a Six Digit Unique Passcode (which can be obtained from the District GNAT Secretariat)
- Upon successful registration, the member’s Fund ID will be displayed on your phone’s screen. (Note: You should only access the GNAT platform with the phone number used for registration)
Read Also: NAGRAT Loan Chart 2025
Teachers Fund CRM Portal Login
Teachers who have been successfully registered for the GNAT membership can log into the GNAT CRM portal with these guidelines;
- Access the CRM Portal Link
- Enter your Staff ID and Password
- Click on the login button
- Wait for the system to authenticate and redirect to the dashboard
How to Check GNAT Mutual Fund Statement
- Dial shortcode *718*60# on your mobile phone
- Select option 3 if you want to know your current contribution
- Select option 4 to get all the data of your contributions.
- Put in your Fund ID to verify it’s you.
- You will receive a notification with details of your statement on your phone after the verification.