The TSC Internship placement is an initiative by the Kenya Teachers Service Commission (TSC) which intends to recruit young graduates to provide adequate teachers in Kenyan secondary and primary schools. In this post, we will explore How to apply for TSC Internship and the needed requirements for the TSC internship application.
Requirements for TSC Internship Application
Applicants applying for the Kenya Teachers Service Commission (TSC) internship must meet the following requirements:
- An applicant must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission(TSC)
- Applicant must be below 35 years of age
- Applicants must have an insurance cover
- An applicant must have a Certificate of Good Conduct
- Minimum of p1 certificate for primary school interns applicants
- Minimum of a diploma in education for secondary school interns
How to apply for TSC Internship
- Access the TSC recruitment portal
- Click the new registration link
- Apply for Teachers Internship positions.
- You will be redirected to TSC HRMIS App where you will have to apply
- Fill in the required information on the last page until you complete your online application form.
Salary of TSC Internship – Teachers Service Commission
The TSC pays secondary school intern teachers KSH. 15,000 per month while primary school interns are paid KSH 10,000.00
Duration of TSC Internship
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) internship will last for a period of 12 months which the intern teacher will be awarded a certificate.
Teachers Service Commission Online Services
Click on the links to access the respective TSC online services