GHL Student Portal

GHL Student Portal

Log into your GHL Student Portal 2025 with your username and password to access your online booking portal, detailed hostel information that includes location, facilities, services, rules, and contact details, and explore payment options.

How to Access Your GHL Student Portal 2025

To access your portal online, follow the steps below

  1. Visit the GHL Student Portal via using your device
  2. Click on the Login button located at the top right corner of the page
  3. Enter your Phone number and Password
  4. Then click on Login to access your portal dashboard

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How to Reset Your GHL Portal Password

Follow the procedure below to reset your portal password

  1. Visit the GHL Student Portal via using your device
  2. Click on the Login button located at the top right corner of the page
  3. Then click on the Forgot Password above the Login button
  4. Enter your Phone number and click on Submit

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Steps to Create Your GHL Student Account

To create your portal account, follow the steps

  1. Visit the GHL Student Portal via using your device
  2. Click on the Register button located at the top right corner of the page
  3. Select your campus (Legon etc.)
  4. Select No for the question: Are you registering as an organization?
  5. Then click on Proceed 
  6. Enter your other names as they appear on your ID card
  7. Input your Email address
  8. Provide your Mobile number
  9. Select your gender from the available options
  10. Enter your date of birth in the [mm/dd/yyyy] format as requested
  11. Input the full name of your guardian
  12. Enter your guardian’s phone number
  13. Create a password for your account
  14. Re-enter the password to confirm it
  15. Check the Box[✓] beside I agree to terms and conditions
  16. Then click on Finish to complete the registration process

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Features of the Portal

The GHL Student Portal offers the following features

  • Online Booking: Users can easily reserve rooms on the website by choosing their preferred hostel, room type, and payment method
  • Hostel Information: Detailed information about each hostel, including location, facilities, services, rules, and contact details, is readily available
  • Payment Options: Various payment methods, including mobile money, bank transfer, credit card, or PayPal, are accepted for online bookings
  • Customer Support: Users can reach out to the customer support team via the website by sending a message, calling a toll-free number, or chatting with an agent
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