UKZN Student Central

UKZN Student Central

UKZN Student Central Login. Discover the University of KwaZulu-Natal – UKZN Student Central and log in with your Student Number and PIN to complete all your academic activities online.

About UKZN Student Central

The UKZN Student Central is a self-service student portal developed by the management of the University of KwaZulu-Natal to help students complete the majority of academic activities online without the need to visit an academic office on campus.

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Features of the UKZN Student Central

Students of the University of KwaZulu-Natal will have access to complete the following activities online from their UKZN Student Central dashboard once they log into their account.

  • Online Course Registration
  • Apply for Residency and Accommodation
  • Check Statement of Fees
  • View and download academic results
  • View Academic Calendar
  • Access programme timetable

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How to Log into UKZN Student Central

Follow these steps to log into your UKZN Student Central with username and password;

  • Visit the UKZN Website at
  • Click on the Support Services link from the menu list
  • Identify the UKZN Student Central option on the next page and click on it ( Tip. Located at the page bottom)
  • Enter your Student Number in the input field and click on proceed
  • Enter your PIN and click on the Login button
  • Wait for the system to authenticate your credentials and redirect to the dashboard

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Procedures for UKZN Online Course Registration

All University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) students are required to register their courses online with the following steps;

  1. Visit the UKZN ITS iEnabler portal and log in with your student number and password
  2. Select the click on UKZN Web Registration menu option from the left side
  3.  Click on Rules and Regulations to READ and ACCEPT the document. (NB: You will not be allowed to proceed with registration if this has not been accepted).
  4. click on the Address Validation link. (Note: Check your address details and update where necessary. When you enter the system for the first time, you must view your address and contact details. If you try to go directly into registration, you will be presented with a warning).
  5. Click on the New Registration link. If you have multiple possible qualifications available to you, you will need to select the most appropriate one. (NB: If you have an active hold code for CACR (Compulsory Academic Counselling Required), when you click New Registration or Change of Curriculum, you will not be permitted to proceed further)
  6. Ensure that the qualification displayed is correct.
  7. Select your major(s) if required and your employment status.
  8. Click on the Save and Continue button
  9. Select your Course modules, keeping in mind the rules per group of modules, and the total credits for the year. (Note. The system will generate errors if you break any rule. Select timetable blocks per module
    chosen, ensuring you do not select the same blocks for modules within the same semester.
  10. When you are done with your selection, click on Save and Continue  or Previous to go back one screen, or
    Restart the Process to go back to the qualification screen.
  11. If you have any credit errors or you are an Orange, Red, or Purple student, you will be required to request Approval of your selection. Green students with no registration errors will move to step 12 below
  12. Click On Request Approval to proceed.
  13. Once you click submit and get a message indicating that the message has been forwarded, you may log in and wait for an email advising of the status of your request
  14. Once a Request is approved or a Green student has successfully made subject selections with no errors, you will be directed to a screen where you may upload documents. Note. A list
    of documents will be shown on the screen. Browse, and upload a pdf file as required. Once submitted,
    you may logout and await an email from the College. You will be advised if the documents submitted
    meet requirements or if you need to resend.
  15. If approved, you click on New Registration and you will be shown a summary of the modules you
    have chosen.
  16. If still happy, you may click ‘Continue’
  17. You will then be presented with a screen showing the Costs of this registration.
  18. Click on Accept Registration to finalize your registration.

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UNZK Contact Information

  • Email: [email protected]
  • DBN: +27 31 260 1111 | PMB: +27 33 260 5111 | or Call +27 31 260 8596
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