UKZN Student Portal

UKZN Student Portal

Log into your UKZN Student Portal 2024 with your details via to access your course registration portal. Also, access the fees payment portalcheck results, and admission portal, and view your academic Timetable.

How to Access Your UKZN Student Portal 2024

To access your student portal online, follow the steps below

  1. Visit the student portal using your device via
  2. Click on the Quicklinks button on the menubar then click on Students
  3. You will be redirected to your student page, scroll down and click on Student Central
  4. Then, enter your Student Number and Password and click on the Process button
  5. Now, continue to access your student portal online

Related Link:

How to Access Your UKZN Sponsor/Donor Portal 2024

To access your Sponsor/Donor portal online, follow the steps below

  1. Visit the student portal using your device via
  2. Click on the Quicklinks button on the menubar then click on Students
  3. You will be redirected to your student page, scroll down and click on Student Central
  4. Click on Switch to Sponsor Login Form
  5. Then, enter your Sponsor or Donor Code & Password and click on the Process button
  6. Now, continue to access your portal online

Related Link: Sanral Scholarship

Steps to Change Your Portal Password

Follow the procedure below to initiate UKZN Lan Login Password Change

  1. Visit the student portal using your device via
  2. Click on the Quicklinks button on the menubar then click on Students
  3. You will be redirected to your student page, scroll down and click on UKZN Lan Login Password Change
  4. Then, enter your Student email address and your old Password
  5. Please proceed to enter your new password and confirm it
  6. Now, click on Submit to complete the process

Note: Simplified: To update your password for the University of KwaZulu-Natal, use either or accounts. Your password should have at least 8 characters, including one lowercase letter [a-z], one uppercase letter [A-Z], one numeric character [0-9], or one special character

Related Link: How to Fuliza M-pesa

UKZN Student Fees 2024/2025

  1. Visit the student portal using your device via
  2. Click on the Quicklinks button on the menubar then click on Students
  3. You will be redirected to your student page, scroll down and click on Student Fees Booklet 2024 Local
  4. The Student Fees PDF will be downloaded on your computer or smartphone

Related Link: SAPS Application Form

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